DIY: Ugly Christmas Sweater

It's only November, but December is coming up fast. The stores even have Christmas decorations out already. So why not get a head start on making yourself an Ugly Christmas Sweater!

A few years ago, some friends of mine had an idea to host an Ugly Christmas Sweater party and whoever wins, gets an awesome 1st place badge. Sadly, I didn't win, but I got 3rd and that's still something to be proud of! Ugly Christmas Sweaters weren't part of our holiday tradition, but it was fun to see what other people came up with.

What you'll need for this project:
This one is an easy project and should take about 30 mintues to an hour, depending on how fast you work.


To start off, you want to have an idea in your head of what you want the sweater to look like. I wanted my sweater to be cute, but ugly. Next, head on over to your local craft store to find the materials. A good place to check is the dollar store. I went to the Dollar Tree and found some useful material, like the battery operated lights and random holiday objects.

Now that you have the all the materials for the sweater, get those scissors out and start cutting away! With the felt, I cut out a Christmas tree, a gingerbread man, and an Android. Once you're finished cutting, start laying out the items onto the sweater. When everything is in its place, plug in the hot glue gun and glue the items down. I had a little trouble with the ribbons not sticking, so I had to sew them on. I also added elbow pads using tiny Christmas stockings, if that's something you're looking into. If you choose to do puff paint, make sure to allow some time for the paint to completely dry.

If in your case you find battery operated lights, use the scissors to cut tiny slits into the sweater. Run the lights inside of the sweater, and push the lights through the slits. Use duct tape to hold the lights down and the battery pack too.

Take a step back and see if the sweater needs something more, add the finishing touches and you're done. You have yourself an Ugly Christmas sweater to flaunt around for the holidays!

Leave a comment and be sure to share your creations with me, I'd love to see what you've come up with!
